“I would personally like to thank you for the assistance you provided me in pursuing employment. From the moment I stepped into your office, I felt confident that this was the perfect place to help me find my desired working position. Within days I had interviews set up and I was hired within two weeks. Your service was not only fast and efficient, but reassuring and satisfying. Hats off to RedDot – the hot spot for recruitment."
“I would like to give a testimony to the professional, friendly and personal service I have received from the team at Reddot. I have been placed by Neil in one role a couple of years ago and more recently by Gioel. They both have great energy and enthusiasm. They are proactive in their placement activity, going beyond the average recruiter in providing encouragement, confidence and advice in interview preparation helping you to put your best foot forward. I would highly recommend their services to both candidates and clients and wish RedDot the best for the future."
“I have dealt with many Recruitment agencies in the past but I haven't met an agency that even closely compares to Neil and his staff at RedDot Recruitment. They provided me with such an excellent service and great opportunities with professional businesses highly suitable for my career path. RedDot Recruitment are with you all the way from start to finish, negotiating for you and making sure you're being looked after to get the right job as soon as possible. Thank you for all your help and support in providing me with fantastic employment RedDot Recruitment."